Monday, June 28, 2010

Strawberry Freezer Jam Success

After loading the pictures I realized I didn't take any of the jam-making-process. I blame that on it being about 10:00-10:30 pm. when I was working on this (after a very, very busy day) since we had a wedding the next day that took up the entire day. :)

We have 24 jars of jam in our freezer and the leftovers I kept in the fridge are long gone and enjoyed by my husband and kids. So I'm looking at this process as a BIG success! :)

Now I'm hoping my tomato plants grow nice and big so come August-September I can make some homemade pasta sauce. :)

1 comment:

  1. YUM YUM YUM!!!! I SO need to make some now...I can't wait for strawberries to go on sale again!
