Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Hiding Place

I am almost to the middle of the book "The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom. This is at least my 5th or 6th time reading this book, and I've decided I need to read this book at least once a year. If you've never heard of this book or heard of it but never read it, I highly recommend it. It's the type of book that can change your life, your thinking, your heart, in a good way!

"The Hiding Place" is about Corrie and her family. There is some history from her childhood but the bulk of the book focuses on their work in the "Underground" hiding Jews during Germany's occupation of Holland during World War II as well as the time Corrie and her sister Betsie spent in concentration camps in Germany after their capture.

Each time I read this book I come away challenged. Betsie has a heart like few people do, her compassion for her captors and those who treated her wrongly is amazing! I'm challenged to be more like her, because my heart is so far from where hers was...mine is so lacking in compassion for my enemies.

I'm trying to decide how to do this. While reading yesterday I came across 3 quotes I want to share and I know there will be more. I'm trying to decide if I want to devote a blog post to each quote as I come across ones I want to share or lump them together a few at a time in a post and share maybe what the Lord is speaking to my heart through those quotes or why they impacted me. So you'll have to bear with me as I figure this out. :)

If I can encourage you again to please read this book! We can do it together and then maybe you could have your own blog post(s) about ways this book is impacting your life? :)

If you do read this book (which I obviously hope you do) please don't feel pressured to blog about it, but I would love for you to let me know you've read it or are reading it and what your thoughts are!

1 comment:

  1. I've been encouraged to read this book several times...I'm thinking it might be a necessity!! I'll let you know if I get to it and what I think!
