Thursday, August 29, 2013

Month In Review

It's hard to believe another month has come and gone...ok, maybe not that hard. Our summer flew by at warp speed, so it's more summer being almost over that's hard to believe. :)
This month's adoption update won't be too "exciting" because not a whole lot happened. With E and the older boys needing new physicals and updated medical forms, we kind of took the month off, wanting to really soak up the last few weeks of summer. And there's been a summer cold circling the house that I managed to avoid until we got back from vacation, so I spent this past month with a cold. With this cold I was still able to function, but my energy was gone, I did what I had to do to get through the day (i.e..drinking way too much coffee) but there wasn't a whole lot of leftover energy, for anything else. This week we have some weird flu bug going through the house too, only 1 of the 5 kids is still standing. The oldest I had to pick-up early from his 1st day of school because he was sick and now today only 1 of the 3 oldest made it back to school for their 2nd day. Seriously?! I have some version of whatever the kids have, body aches, and cough, but thankfully, I have no fever (the kids have fevers). I'm pretty much over being sick. I've got things to do, like laundry, cleaning the house, feeding my family, now driving and picking up kids from school, attempting to exercise, making sure I shower several times a week, helping kids with school projects (yes, already), many other things I can't think of at the moment, oh yeah, and adoption related paperwork...ain't nobody got time to be sick!

Sorry, it's been a hard-ish month. Moving on, here's the update.

July 30th- Get an email from our social worker informing us that we had 2 more education courses to complete. Apparently these classes have been added to the education requirements in the past least that's what it sounds like. Anyway, bummed that we've got more education to work on, purchase the classes and then put them off.

August 13th-Find out that now my father-in-law needs to have another physical and a new medical form filled out. His medical form was fine when we started but now because of delays with E and the older boys, the 6-month window that physicals need to be within has closed. Very discouraging.

August 20th- E goes in for his 2nd to last psych evaluation (paperwork appointment)

August 23rd- Our oldest goes in for his physical and has a new medical form filled out.

August 23rd- Had to document this, because to me it's kind of a big deal. E and I had a date night at Lambeau field and got to watch the Packer game in person! So. Much. Fun!

August 25th- We had our last professional family photo shoot as a family of 7. Got some pre-adoption pictures in there, and looking at some of the preview pictures, I'm so excited with how they're turning out!

August 27th- E has his final psych evaluation. Gets verbal confirmation that he's competent to adopt. Now we wait for the paperwork from our psychologist.

August 28th- Finish our education, for real this time, we are done (at least we better be). :)

August 29th- Our tiny peep's 3rd birthday!! Poor kid is sick on his birthday. :( However, I'm so excited to see him become a big brother this next year!

Another month has come and gone and now as we head into September, with fall fast approaching, though our bodies are tired and our emotions a little bit too, we are still trusting the One Who holds all our tomorrows. Believing that His timing is perfect through every delay and set back. Someday we may understand why these delays came when they did or we may not, but these last few days I've been resting (or at least trying to) in the fact that God sees the end from the beginning, and He will be faithful to bring us to the end of each leg or chapter of our journey.

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