Saturday, July 24, 2010

11 years ago....

my husband and I said "I do". We committed our lives and our love to each other, "'til death do us part." So much has happened in the past 11 years. We've grown from 2 people beginning their married lives in an apartment to a family of almost 7 living in the farmhouse my husband grew up in.

If you would've asked me, even on our wedding day if I thought we'd be where we are now I would've said, "no". I never imagined I'd have 5 children, it was only a dream that has now come true that we are living where we are today. Although, I have to say the experiences of marriage were many times much harder then I expected!

Learning to cook and keep a home....well let's say through much trial and error and the Lord's help and grace, I think it's safe to say I've come a long way! Ha! Thinking back to my cooking days when we were first married makes me a little twitchy, but I'm thankful for all I've learned and am still learning!
Keeping a home, again, those early days make me a little twitchy, and with each baby we've added to our family, it seems the learning process, in a way, has started again. I'm bracing myself for that learning process to begin again sometime this September and I'm hoping to have it "mastered" again by Thanksgiving....or at least make it look like I have it mastered! :) I have to say though, through gaining ideas from friends and so many times praying my way through the day, I'm happy with how I've learned to keep our home clean.....and while it usually lasts less then 24 hours, it's at least getting done. :)

This past week I spent some time reflecting over the past 11 years of marriage. We've been through a lot in our young lives and marriage. We've had so many fun times, many amazing times (4 soon to be 5 of which top the charts), sweet times, sad times, times of sickness, thankfully many more times of health, stressful times, times of anger with each other, times of wonderful talk and fellowship and we've had our share of stormy times....some of those storms severe!

The day we got married on the front of our wedding programs was typed, "God is Faithful" the theme of our wedding. And as I was reflecting this past week, it truly is God's faithfulness that has been the constant in our marriage! We are 2 imperfect humans who are living and building our lives and family together, and things are not always happy and cheerful, but Praise God, He is and always will be faithful!! That is one thing we can depend on and believe in!

Truly it is God's faithfulness that has brought us, carried us and seen us through these past 11 years! Through the good times, the bad times, in sickness and in health, our God is faithful!!

I am so thankful for the Lord's faithfulness, it is because of Him that we are celebrating 11 years of marriage today!!

♥ ♥ ♥ To my, Bear, I love you more today then the day we said, "I do" and I want to love you more with each passing year! Happy Anniversary!! ♥ ♥ ♥

This song is perfect for our anniversary....He's been so faithful...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you guys enjoyed a wonderful anniversary! CONGRATS on 11 years, and many more to come!
    The Basses
