Monday, March 22, 2010

Broken but Held

I've neglected my blog for too long. I've been meaning to write recently but just haven't had the time. This post isn't exactly how I'd planned my "come back" but here it is....

Yesterday at church we found out some dear friends of ours are going through their 2nd miscarriage. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing when I heard and as we prayed for them. I feel so broken.

I don't fully understand their pain because I've never had a miscarriage, but there's just a brokenness in my heart for them. Maybe in part because I'm pregnant and am having no problems.

Maybe because I know they've been praying for 6 years to add another child to their family and feeling that excitement and that hope for them....and now it's gone...replaced by sadness.

Maybe it's because I want to take on the pain and grief they're experience and bear it for them.

Maybe it's because I want to say some "magical" words to make them feel better, but in my heart know there are none.

Maybe it's because in the physical I really can do very little for them, and maybe knowing that makes the brokenness more real to me?

Maybe it's because I don't understand, and want to, but that may not be for me to ever understand.

And maybe this is one of those times when I don't understand why, but, I'm choosing to trust the Lord and His wisdom and knowledge of the situation.....even when a part of me doesn't want to....

Seeing again that our journey on this earth will not always be easy or fun or pleasant or rosy. In fact sometimes it's just plain heartbreaking and hard!

And seeing again that it's not always easy to trust the Lord and His ways...but knowing in my heart that His ways our best even if at times they bring sorrow and pain....

And strangely enough, it's in those times... in those valleys...that I seem to feel His presence more to know Him more's in that place of brokenness that He's able to move more freely and to heal more deeply...


Maybe it's because I know I'm "Held" and that our dear friends are "Held" today too.

"The Lord is near to them that are of a broken heart; and saves such that have a contrite spirit." Psalm 34:18

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for your friends! I know all too well what they're going through.

    On a happier note congrats! I didn't know you were pregnant again. I'm so out of the loop!
