"An adventure is an exciting or unusual experience; it may also be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome."
-Quote on Wikipedia
This definition of adventure pretty accurately describes what our family is embarking on. We are in the beginning of an adventure, a great adventure even. If given a subtitle it might read something like this...
Our Family's Newest Adventure
A story of pain, loss, surrender, tears, faith, trust and redemption...
I'm pretty sure I could come up with a few more descriptive words, but for now we'll leave it at that. While we are just beginning this adventure every word of the sub-title is true. However, there's a story behind each descriptive words, more then one actually, that in the coming months I'm hoping to share.
For now I want to share about our adventure!!
If you've read them, my 2 previous posts, Like a Rose and Stepping Out of the Boat were a little bit of background information.
This adventure we've begun is exciting (and scary), for us it is bold (which some might perceive as crazy), there are parts of our adventure that will be risky (but worth it), and while we are certain of the final outcome, we know there will be uncertainties along the way.
God has caused an area of our hearts to blossom and we're so excited!!
By God's grace we are going to adopt a little girl from China!!! :)
We are still in the very begining stages, but we're so excited (very overwhelmed) but so so excited!!
Adoption is our new adventure and I'm looking forward to seeing how each chapter will play out!
Buckle-up friends, and please come on this adventure with us...