Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Reality....well 1 of them...

I'm not sure why I feel like writing this, maybe it's because of other blogs I've read or maybe it's because I want to myself or maybe it's just because I want to remember...writing this with the hope that it won't always be this way.

I've found a saying on a website recently

"Good Moms
Have sticky floors
Dirty ovens and
Happy kids."

Now, I do agree with this not only because my oven is dirty and my kitchen floor tends to be sticky for 3-4 days out of the week, but because I understand the meaning behind it. It's better to let your house go a little to spend the time to invest in your kids. But can't good moms have clean ovens, clean floors and still manage to have happy kids?

I'd like to think so, in fact I hope so.

My reality is that my house is most of the time not as clean as I'd like it to be. I try to keep it clean, but with 5 kids all under 10 it can seem an impossible task at times. I mean I can't even make my bed in the morning without being interrupted, so you can imagine how easy it is to get an actual room cleaned. Yeah, and my small kids are amazingly good at undoing whatever it is I've cleaned in a fraction of the time it took me to clean.
I would love nothing more for my house to be company ready all the time, but that is not my reality. Will it be someday, I hope so...maybe not always company ready but at least to the point where I don't have to fear my guests feet will stick to my floor. :)

Aside from wanting my house to be ready for surprise visitors, which will take a while since my house is visitor ready for maybe, 30 second intervals I really do enjoy having my house clean. I feel more relaxed when my house is clean. I don't feel guilty checking my email or facebook when my house is clean...I just enjoy it.

I know some people would say, you have 5 kids put them to work. We do. It's not always easy to get them to finish or even start the task you've asked them cleaning their room (that requires a post all on it's own). I think a lot of it is the ages of our kids and the fact that between school and life we're busy.

I don't know if any of this is making sense? I,surprise, surprise have been interrupted while typing this.

My hope is that one day my house will stay clean for longer then 30 second intervals and also be organized (again, needs it's own post) but for now my reality can be summed up by something a friend of mine once said.

"Cleaning with small children is like trying to nail jello to a tree."

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I'm tired. Very, very tired.

There are plenty of logical explanations for this youngest has a cold and is up 3+ times a night, I've not gotten to bed until close to 11 pm. the past 2 nights, I only had a cereal bar for breakfast and my body is revolting due to lack of food...

Although, I think this tiredness while partly is physical is also emotional too. There's something I've been struggling with for a long time. It comes and goes as to how much of a struggle it is (if that makes sense?) I guess how much it consumes my thoughts or affects my emotions. And all this time I have been praying, but I finally talked to a good friend about this struggle. Getting her point of view, finding out if what I'm dealing with is more me or if I have a valid reason to be feeling the way I do. I think though most importantly, just confiding in a good friend.

Our time was good and I'm so thankful we were able to talk and pray together and while the situation isn't resolved, I don't feel "alone" anymore.

So I'm thinking alot of my tiredness is from feeling emotionally drained, but there's a warmness knowing I don't have to stand alone.

I'm thankful today for my dear, sweet friend, and for a loving Father Who is always willing to listen...

I apologize if this doesn't make much sense, it does to me :) and I'm working on some coffee. :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So after taking a year and some time off, I've decided to come back (hopefully). :) I really do want to be better at posting because I can think of 5+ blog ideas a day. The problem is finding the time to type them out. So to get me going I wanted to post a couple quotes I shared recently.

There's a wonderful truth that's sometimes hard for us to grasp.

That is that God doesn't make any mistakes.

Other people sometimes make serious mistakes that affect our lives. But God is always fulfilling His eternal purposes, and they can't be stopped by any human failure. If we're in Christ our lives are in His hands, and nothing can touch us that hasn't first been filtered through His fingers of love.

...When we stand in eternity, we'll see clearly what we now know only by faith.

-Nancy Leigh DeMoss

God didn't promise days without pain
Laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain.
But He did promise,
Strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears,
And light for the way.

-Author Unknown

I hope to be back soon.